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Our experienced staff supports large innovative growers, agricultural retailers, crop consultants and agronomists to help improve yield and quality while managing input costs.
Whether you're growing grains, oilseeds, fruit, vegetables, greenhouse or specialty crops, our full-service agri-food analytics lab helps you with your crop management decisions.
Our industry leading Analysis services for soil, plant tissue, manure, feed, water, fertilizer and nematodes gives you the information you need to make informed decisions about your crop. We'll help you interpret results and provide solutions specific to your needs—and because we're involved with the entire food chain, we offer insights into the needs of processors and end users.
We have our own custom-built precision agriculture software, a for-the-farm traceability program we developed for record-keeping, and the first made-for-agriculture UAV to support our precision agriculture services.
Our divisions include Paradigm Precision (Soil Stewardship Group) for soil sampling, mapping, RX writing and UAV services; A&L Biological for research, disease diagnostics and identification of genetically modified organisms; Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for pesticide residue Analysis; Aero Insights for UAV hardware and software development; and ALink Computer Solutions to handle data management, software development and IT consulting.
Research and solutions for on-farm production issues.
Rapid, state of the art Analysis, data interpretation, and recommended solutions.
Accredited staff with expertise in chemistry, agronomy, information technology and microbiology.
Access to an extensive authorized dealer network of highly trained and knowledgeable crop retailers, consultants, and agronomists.
Industry-leading protocols and practices approved by the Standards Council of Canada.
Our full service agri-food analytics lab helps maximize your feed quality for better production results.
Whether you're in the dairy, beef, swine, poultry, equine or small livestock business as a producer, feed retailer, nutritionist, consultant or veterinarian, it's important to know what you're feeding them is safe and of good quality.
A&L Canada Labs' industry-leading services test both ruminant and non-ruminant livestock feed to establish nutritional values for creation of balanced rations.
By using various analytical methods, we not only determine the presence of mycotoxins, but we specifically identify the type and quantity of toxin in order to ensure top feed quality and safety.
Access to an extensive authorized dealer network of trained and knowledgeable feed retailers, consultants, veterinarians and livestock nutritionists.
Expert data interpretation, providing practical recommendations and solutions.
State of the art Analysis, giving you the most precise answers in a timely fashion.
Industry-leading protocols and practices approved by them Standards Council of Canada.
A&L Canada Labs helps food & beverage processors ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements for food safety, traceability and market access.
Unsure about your regulatory requirements or what you should be analyzing for? Our full-service laboratory can help—we let you know the tests you need, conduct the analysis, and help you interpret the results so you know the steps you need to take to implement the correct changes in your business practices.
We provide biological Analysis for bacteria and fungi including coliform, yeasts and molds, aerobic colony count, E. coli, E. coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens, Shigella spp., Legionella, Fecal streptococci and Enterococci, and others.
We also perform shelf-life and challenge studies for new products in development; water analysis, pesticide residue Analysis for fruits and vegetables, and more.
As demands for food safety and traceability standards grow, regulatory compliance can give you an edge to help maintain or expand your business.
Real-time results.
A team of experts to assist you with the latest food safety and traceability standards.
Technicians offering training to your staff in proper sampling techniques and protocols.
Connections back to the farm, helping you source the best possible locally produced food ingredients.
Industry-leading protocols and practices approved by the Standards Council of Canada.
Large companies looking to bring new products to market—whether crop protection, seed, feed or fertilizer—need to ensure those products work and are safe.
A&L Canada Laboratories is one of the few labs in North America that offers the high end analytics required to prove product efficacy and safety using our Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) certified lab and experts.
We assist large multinationals seeking regulatory approvals for new crop protection chemistries, re-registration or label expansion with third party information they require to obtain product registration from the regulators like Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Pest Management Regulatory Agency or Environmental Protection Agency.
This includes field trials, efficacy and safety rates, residue Analysis and optimal product use.
Lab and field Analysis of fertilizer efficacy is available, as is Analysis of composts, biosolids and non-agricultural source materials for Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, coliforms and other bacteria.
We support the recycling of more of the world's organic materials by working with composting and fertilizer companies to do specific Analysis and develop product recommendations for converting waste into higher value material.
High-end, technologically advanced analytics required for product regulatory approval.
Accredited, experienced staff.
Customized services and development of new Analysis protocols as needed.
Industry-leading certifications approved by the Standards Council of Canada, such as Good Laboratory Practices designation.
The thirst for knowledge and an innate curiosity about the world around us drive our research services.
A&L Canada Laboratories supports university scientists with information and analysis to help advance their research. We also offer work placement opportunities to co-op students and post-docs.
We work directly with farmers to provide solutions to on-farm or production-limiting problems and we undertake our own research to boost crop yield and quality by helping to make plants more resilient and resistant to disease and pests.
We know that not all farmers grow crops in ideal soils, so our research also includes challenging, marginal or stressed fields too.
At A&L Canada Labs, we do ongoing work to understand soil makeup and functions to support crop growing and food production. Our research results are shared annually at meetings with grower and consultant groups and our extensive network of fertilizer, seed, and feed retailers.
High tech, analytics to support university-driven research projects.
Development of new Analysis protocols.
Certified, experienced experts.
Research by and for the industry.
Industry-leading accreditation approved by the Standards Council of Canada, such as Good Laboratory Practices designation.